Current Articles of Interest

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sebelius Communion ban to apply in Washington

.- According to the Washington Times, Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington plans to maintain the pastoral request Kathleen Sebelius’ bishop made in 2007 asking her not to receive Communion.
Governor of Kansas Kathleen Sebelius is looking to move to Washington D.C. to become the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Sebelius is President Obama’s second nominee to the post after Tom Daschle withdrew from consideration after it was revealed he failed to pay $140,000 in taxes.
Gov. Sebelius has both political and religious controversy surrounding her, with her local bishop, Archbishop Joseph Naumann asking her to refrain from Holy Communion for her "30-year history of advocating and acting in support of legalized abortion." The archbishop told CNA that he came to the point of asking the governor to refrain from Communion after speaking with her over a two-year period at various levels.

Upon hearing that she was nominated by President Obama, Archbishop Naumann wrote in his weekly column in The Leaven that "her appointment to HHS is particularly troubling."

(Full story at CNA)

Rebellious Australian priest plans to set up new church

Having finally been forced to relinquish control of St. Mary's parish in South Brisbane, Father Peter Kennedy plans to set up a rival church at a nearby union headquarters. After the parish council negotiated an agreement that the pastor would step down after Easter, Father Kennedy told reporters that he would establish a "Catholic community in exile" at the Trades and Labour Council Building-- which he jokingly referred to as the "Totally Lapsed Catholics Building." Father Kennedy said that he hoped 95% of his regular parishioners would join the new assembly.

Months ago, when the rebel priest first threatened to establish a rival congregation if he was ousted, Archbishop John Bathersby warned that the new group "will not be in communion with the Roman Catholic Church or the Archdiocese of Brisbane." The archbishop had already said that the St. Mary's community was already jeopardizing its connection with the Catholic Church by routinely violating liturgical and doctrinal norms.

Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.

Dogs and Cats Living Together... Mass Hysteria

Posted by Bobby Eberle

In the classic movie "Ghostbusters" from 1984, Bill Murrary and company warn the mayor that the city is under such chaos and turmoil that the strangest of things will begin to happen. On the economic and political front, we are now living in those times.

It appears that the "good old days" of making fun of countries like France and Germany is over, because they about to be.... how can I say this... They appear to be taking the lead on the global economic debate. That's right. With Obama's America prepared to spend its way to oblivion, France and Germany are starting to say, "Enough is enough." Is this the end of the world as we know it?

It is indeed a strange world we live in when France and Germany take America to task for being too far to the left. It reminds me of Bill Murray's famous rant in "Ghostbusters":

(Full story at GOPUSA)

Patrick J. Buchanan: Is Notre Dame Still Catholic?

by Patrick J. Buchanan

By inviting Barack Obama to deliver the commencement address and receive an honorary degree at Notre Dame, the Rev. John Jenkins has polarized the Catholic community nationwide -- and raised a question. What does it mean to be a Catholic university in post-Christian America?

Are there truths about faith and morality that are closed to debate at Notre Dame? Or is Notre Dame like London's Hyde Park, where all ideas and all advocates get a hearing? 
To Catholics, abortion is the killing of an unborn child, a premeditated breach of God's Commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill." The case is closed for all time. Any who participate in an abortion are excommunicated. Catholic politicians from Nancy Pelosi to Joe Biden who support a "woman's right to choose" have been denounced from pulpits and denied Communion.  (Full story at