Current Articles of Interest

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Never Take the Eucharist for Granted


Monday, March 29, 2010

The Gathering Storm

I don't know who came up with the idea for this photo But it is GREAT!!!

your auto industry, your banks, your health care, your taxes
and your personal choice....

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Please pray for Archbishop Chaput

We need to continue our prayers for Archbishop Chaput of Denver who has been a "Light of Christ" for us. May he find the grace and courage to continue to speak the truth.
Denver archbishop criticizes CHA 'counter-witness' against bishops on health care

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

If You’re against Obamacare, You’re Probably a Racist - Bill Burck and Dana Perino - The Corner on National Review Online

If You’re against Obamacare, You’re Probably a Racist - Bill Burck and Dana Perino - The Corner on National Review Online

Today, the New York Times features an article drawing a direct link between the Obamacare debate and the civil-rights struggle over 40 years ago. The title is “Past Strife and Jeers,” and here is the opening paragraph:

WASHINGTON — Forty-five years ago, John Lewis began the third of what became society-shifting civil rights marches from Selma to Montgomery, Ala. On Sunday, the anniversary of that famous trek, he joined hands with fellow House Democrats and marched past jeering protesters into the Capitol to remake the nation’s health care system.

We have no tolerance for intolerance and condemn anyone who would resort to racist name-calling. Shame on anyone who did. But shame on the New York Times for comparing those who protested the Democrats’ health-care policy with the virulent southern racists who participated in violent and often deadly protests against civil-rights demonstrators. Give us a break.

The Left’s plan for November is to promote exactly this kind of thinking, shaming opponents into staying at home rather than going to the polls to vote the bums out, while fooling proponents that opposition is nothing more than the most atavistic form of prejudice. With every poll showing that far more voters hate Obamacare than love it (with the balance made up of the lukewarm on both sides of the issue), this is the New York Times’s effort to help shift voter intensity — which spells turnout in November — in favor of Obamacare.

We suspect the electorate won’t prove so gullible. The Old Grey Lady is not as smart as she thinks she is, nor are Americans the ninnies she believes they are.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Real Meaning of Words









This year we have truly learned...
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass.....
It's about learning how to dance in the rain."
Be kinder than necessary,
Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

So, where are all the cries about Harry Reid being a RACIST? | Political Integrity Now

Here is the AP article concerning Reid's remarks about Obama. I am forwarding this from Political Integrety Now because I agree with the comments. We all know if this had come from a Republican, that person would be gone by the end of the week. We also know nothing will be done to Reid. The hypocrisy is ridiculous.

Also the AP article could not help but take a shot at Sarah. Heaven forbid that when a liberal screws up, they would have an article without bashing a conservative to make it 'fair and balanced'  BTW..what does Sarah have to do with Reid's remarks anyway?  Sheeeesh!!! 

So, where are all the cries about Harry Reid being a RACIST?