Current Articles of Interest

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Julio the McDonald's Guy Panned by Public

By P.J. Gladnick (Bio | Archive)

Oooh, this is such a blessing to see you, Mr. President! Thank you for taking time out of your day! Oooooh! Precious God! Thank you so much! Ooooh! Your humble correspondent is desperate to own a Kindle 2 reader so he can have access to thousands of books at any time. However, the price is a bit out of my budget! If you could help me to get one, Mr. President, I will continue to slobber over you!

Yeah, your humble correspondent would absolutely love to have a Kindle 2 reader but the price tag is a bit steep. However, I have now learned the easiest way to get one: just show up at an Obama town hall meeting and put in my request to the Bob Barker-in-chief. Of course a Kindle 2  would be minor gift compared to what another person, Henrietta Hughes, at that Fort Myers meeting received...a home care of the wife of a Florida state representative. So far no one in the mainstream media has questioned how this conveniently came about but a skeptical reader at, Erik E., commented:

(Fullstory at

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